@realDonaldTrump, What do you MEAN you “like the Obamacare mandate”?

Dear Mr. Trump,

Now that the pope thing is over, radio pundits (at least Rush & Sean) are pouncing on your CNN Town Hall comment concerning Obamacare, that you “like the mandate”.

It seems to me you mistook the question as meaning a mandate for the government to take care of people, but what the Obamacare “mandate” really is, and which Justice Roberts wrongly ruled was “constitutional”,  is imposed upon the ~individual~ to force each of us to buy health insurance, and not just any health insurance, but health insurance that covers other people’s abortions and other people’s contraception, including that kind which merely kills the baby by thwarting implantation after conception, at the start of pregnancy.

My mother is required to carry such coverage even though she is 80 years old.

This is odious, and I hope you can reach out to the pundits to clarify that you did not mean to imply you support imposing a mandate upon the individuals to force them buy anything, much less other people’s abortions & contraception.  Some of us prefer paying out of pocket as it is, seeking non-mainstream medicine, such as new research in nutrition.

Just by doing nothing, some of us have been forced into a scofflaw position, which carries an IRS fine.

Again, this is odious.  If this is not what you meant by you “like the mandate”, please reach out to the pundits and correct them.

Best wishes, and God Bless You,



About Suzanne

Reader, Inventor, amateur musician. My interests are ... kinda strange. I hope yours are as strange.

One Comment

  1. The Trump campaign obviously got my letter:

    Trump clarifies his position on the Obamacare individual mandate

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