Silly Papacy Occupier Francis, Heaven can’t exist without Hell, because they are the same place.

This papacy occupier is such an immature thinker, because this is so easy to reconcile.  Heaven and Hell are actually the same place — that place where no lies are possible, only truth. Those who love Truth will be happy for forever. Those who hate Truth and love lies will…

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Pope Francis Instructs Us to Ignore the Words of Christ!

“Trust in Christ – not in horoscopes, Pope Francis says” Of course, the Three Wise Astrologers were the first to ever even acknowledge the Christ Child after his birth. We have in Luke 21:25-28, Jesus telling us that signs in the Sun, Moon, & Stars will be announcing the return…

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The Pope’s Superbowl Insult to Americans! Speaks language we don’t know!

Oh, yeah, Papa Francis? Whatever you said to us American’s, I don’t know, because at least 75% of Americans, including myself, DON’T SPEAK SPANISH. What an insult you’ve dished us. What continuous insults you keep dishing Americans and American Christians, including us American Catholics. When you came to visit the…

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