The big Solar System picture of Earth’s History & Future

Yes, this is true. The Maunder Minimum was even suspected of being involved in causing the bloody French revolution. Year after year the wheat crops of Europe were failing, so the other European countries learned to invent cuisines based on the potato, which had just been brought over from the New World. The Germans, the Polish, the Irish, etc, all perfected their potato dishes, but ze French, oh no no no, they would not give up their baguettes, and so they starved and went mad and started rolling each others’ heads in the streets.

What Marie Antoinette SHOULD have said was “Let them eat potatoes!”

I worked at the NSO from 1987-1993 analyzing the differential rotation rates of the sun’s magnetic features, and it’s true for several recent years now, the sun has had much less sunspot/magnetic activity than it ever had while I was working there.

OTOH, this doesn’t necessarily mean we’re headed for a mini-ice-age, because the sun is doing things now it did not do during Maunder Minimum. I follow several science channels on YouTube discussing solar system changes, and unlike past solar minimums, the sun is currently putting out MUCH MORE solar wind and much more UVA, UVB, UVC than it ever has before, and the UVC is even reaching the ground of Earth. (Without long sleeves, sunscreen, or adequate vitamin B-complex consumption, people are burning to a crisp.)

One channel I watch, “MrMBB333”, has people sending him UV readings from all over the world, and on a scale of 1-10, the world is now experiencing many locations measuring 11, 12, 15, proving that the phone apps fed by the NWS, or some corporation or other, ARE LYING to us, frequently chopping the numbers in half.

“Higher Truth Channel” and “BPEarthwatch” read satellite data and prove to us that we are now getting solar wind from a SECOND direction that also carries a lithium signature! What does that mean? It means another star-like object known as a “Brown Dwarf”, which falls in size somewhere between Jupiter and the sun, and which normally radiates in light frequencies outside the human visual range, is coming closer than it usually does (approaching its perihelion), out beyond the Oort cloud out there. (To be fair to BPEarthwatch, he pretends he doesn’t see the Lithium signature and says the 2nd solar wind is only coming from Jupiter, which in reality is not big enough to produce it.) But this 2nd solar wind is also hitting the sun, surpressing its sunspots, bending its flares, and peeling its corona off at times like an orange, through which the extra solar wind and coronal mass ejections escape, which depending on the sun’s rotaion, sometimes hit the Earth. CERN has taken notice of this, and in the last couple of years has proved they can weaponize this knowledge by drawing down much energy from the Earth’s natural magnetic field and shoot magnetic darts (Tesla’s scalar waves?) at the sun’s flares to actually cause coronal mass ejections, which then hit the Earth’s weakened magnetic field and concuss the Earth’s atmosphere like smacking and squeezing a birthday party balloon, — causing earthquakes at will. This was proven a few months ago in both Japan and Peru, and 10’s of 1000’s of people died in Peru over that. Oh, but the elites believe it was worth it just to prove to themselves that they are “gods”.

So what is NASA putting out in the middle of all this? Half-assed “low key” announcements that there are “possibly” 2 previously unknown planets in our solar system beyond Pluto, one about Mars-sized, and one at least as big as Neptune (another gas giant). Oh, but we might get a good look at them sometime after the James Webb space telescope launches in late 2018 (which might be way too late). In the mean time, if they actually gave them names, that might “spook” the public. In the mean time, the bigger of the two “planets” is shining its extra solar wind on us, causing all kinds of magnet helium storms in the solar system, feeding all that extra energy into the Earth’s core via its magnet poles, heating up and melting the carbon under Yellowstone, and causing a whole lot of extra volcanic eruptions and earthquakes all over the world. (Why should CERN bother anymore, when nature is now doing it anyway?)

The bigger “planet” is also gravitationally disturbing the Oort cloud of comets and debris, knocking some loose, which is why we’re seeing so many large body near misses of the Earth right now. In fact, one hit the Moon less than a week ago, and created an explosion that could be seen from Earth.

In the mean time, the archeologists have identified that the Earth suffers major cyclical cataclysms about every 10,000-12,000 years, that cause mass extinction events and wipe out human civilization every time, and the last one was, yup, about 11,000-something years ago. We have identified that the Egyptian pyramids are much much older than the Egyptians, the Sphinx is much much older than the Pyramids, the new megalith dig in Gobekli Tepe, Turkey, is at least twice as old as Stonehenge, and the Mexican pyramids contain symbols in common with symbols in the (pre-)Egyptian pyramids. A newly discovered chamber in the Great Pyramid of Khufu contains a starchart on the ceiling that shows the stars as they were 9200 BC. That means it was time stamped then.

And also in the mean time, there is such furius digging going on in Antarctica that John Kerry, the Eastern Orthodox Patriarc, and other big names of the world have taken the tour. Witnesses have come out reporting an ancient civilization was discovered flash-frozen under the ice, just like the whooly mammoths, complete with its own pyramids (pictures included), to say nothing of entire cities and pyramids under the oceans. All of this upturns “official” versions of history together with the increased likelihood of another cataclysm being imminent, which the elites “fear” will upset the rest of us before they can escape to their own buggouts, so they’re only dribbling it out in eyedropper fashion, hoping we never actually find out before it’s upon us. Of course, they can’t hide it forever if we ~don’t~ get hit with an asteroid, so they fear the backlash when we do.

Oh, and let me tell you about the constellation formation described in Revelation 12, that is taking form right now, and will be complete on Sept. 23, 2017, having never taken that shape before and never will again, as well as the 100th anniversary on Oct. 13, 2017 of the 3rd “Secret of Fatima”, in which Jesus’ own mother foretold a great cataclysm of the earth, knocking its axis crooked. Well, on Oct. 12, a really large asteroid will be “passing by” the Earth only 1/4 of the distance to the moon. Just one little nudge by the CERN Tesla-scalar weapon could nudge it away, or nudge it toward us. And seeing how heavy into self-godhood the world predatory “elites” are (intentionally killing millions of people with wars and weaponized vaccines in the name of “depopulation”), and how they think they can bug themselves out in the frozen Antarctic pyramids to wait it out, you know which I think they will do.

If this isn’t the year Christ returns to harvest his crop and take up his rule of the world, it might as well be.

Love, Suzanne

About Suzanne

Reader, Inventor, amateur musician. My interests are ... kinda strange. I hope yours are as strange.

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