Handmade Heaven

I can’t believe I’ve only JUST discovered Etsy.com! Where HAVE I been??? It’s where artisans of all types and interests hang out their wonderful handmade wares. All unique items you won’t find in Wal-Mart, with far less expensive listing fees, and with far less oppressive “rules” than eBay.

crocheted hat So I just had to join the fun, and set up a shop listing my first item – my own “One Thing on Their Minds”TM hat for newborns.

Next is to get my extremely talented fashion designer seamstress daughter to set up a shop there. At the moment, she’s very busy with people she knows in person throwing money at her for her to make them stuff. She’s a natural for running her own business. I don’t think I’ll have to worry about her for long 😉

So check out Etsy! So much to see there!

About Suzanne

Reader, Inventor, amateur musician. My interests are ... kinda strange. I hope yours are as strange.

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