Trump – RFK Jr Split Ticket? Why not? They’re already running on the same Platform!

Robert F. Kennedy Jr has been seriously turning heads among Trump’s vax sceptic and vax-science-truth base, even without having thrown his hat in the ring for president.  Now that he has, it appears he and Trump are essentially running on the same platform, “Drain the Swamp” vs(?) ” End Corporate…

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Is Andrew the real reason Harry & Meghan were uninvited to the Queen’s wake?

Yuck.  King Charles III is already such a coward. So his son & daughter-in-law, Harry & Meghan, had to learn through the press that they’re “uninvited” to the Queen’s wake, the pre-funeral reception. No names were used in the un-invitation, of course.  It was just that “non-working-royals” were suddenly excluded…

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Marjorie Taylor Greene thwarts escalation into violence by anti-gun jackals

Wow, the mainstream media is going nuts (archived, screenshot) over an incident in which a militant anti-gun activist is accusing Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene of “kicking her”. No, that’s not what happened.  This is what happened: Congresswoman Greene was surrounded by a pack of anti-2nd-Amendment jackals barking in her face,…

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The Most Excellent Laurence Fox stars in “My Son Hunter”

How many Americans know who Laurence Fox is? He starred for years as the sidekick with more personality than the lead, in the British crime drama “Inspector Lewis“.  He also starred in my mother’s favorite movie, “Gosford Park“.  I can’t tell how many times we watched that 💜.  Politically, he’s…

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Time for “Come And Take It”, Rosary & Bible Editions

The Alphabet Swamp has lost its mind.  It didn’t like being laughed at and ridiculed by the American general public for its latest round of comic book level tyrannical behavior.  So out of sheer spite against us, the FBI has started labeling ordinary American historical symbols as “extremist” and “terroristic”.  …

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Recalling the Obama pay-off backstory on Georgia’s new late and over-budget Nuclear Power Plant

Today brings news and commentary on the new nuclear power plant in Georgia being 6 years late and 250% over-budget.   But of course.  We should have all expected this.  There are plenty of union woykas arguing in the ZeroHedge comment section as to who is more corrupt, the EPA or…

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