Anonymous joins the NWO by threatening us with WW III

Making the front page of Drudge today:

How can Anonymous call Donald Trump “unpredictable”, when even I can predict what he is going to do?  I’ll tell you what he’s doing.  His pattern is to give his enemies enough rope to hang themselves, and they are generally happy to oblige.  So while the truly unpredictable one, Kim Jung Un, keeps making threats and shooting “test” missiles, Trump makes no verbal threats or verbal provocations while parking ships off the coast of N. Korea. This lets Kim Jung Un know that only his own actions will determine the outcome and that he is risking his own country.

This is all while Trump is sitting back and letting his hackers and/or space based missile zappers non-violently knock out any missile that the little crazy one with the bad haircut tries to launch. Kim Jung Un knows that he will run out of missiles if he keeps shooting them off, as the U.S. keeps knocking them out of the sky.

WW III my ass.

Missile based war is obsolete, but we are all supposed to pretend it’s not and “be scared” and join the NWO.

Not happenin’.





About Suzanne

Reader, Inventor, amateur musician. My interests are ... kinda strange. I hope yours are as strange.

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