Evil U.K. Judge helps incompetent doctors bury their incompetence – six feet under

In a shocking act of pure cruelty, knifing loving parents while sneeringly praising them for their “devotion” to their infant son, a “Mr. Justice Francis” of the U.K. high court has ruled the NHS doctors of the “Great Ormond Street Hospital” can prematurely suffocate their baby to death, rather than allow his parents to take him to America for the chance at treatment that might or might not help him, despite them having already raised the funds to do so.

So many of the comments on the article just call it “sad”, as if it can’t be helped.  No, the word for this isn’t “sad”.  The word for this is pure EVIL.   All of life is “prolonging the process of dying”.  Eating dinner is “prolonging the process of dying”.  What’s a ventilator for if not to help someone breathe.  Lots of people live for years on ventilators.  That’s what they’re for.  Look at Christopher Reeve.  Look at Stephen Hawking.   And these EVIL doctors and EVIL judge are going to rip this baby’s ventilator right out of his throat?  And then gloat and sneer at those “poor pathetic misguidedly devoted parents”.   Oh no, “WE know what’s in Charlie’s best interests better than his parents do.   We with degrees and authoritative white coats and black robes, and filthy stone hearts in our chests.”

In reality, this is EVIL.  They inflict trauma for sport.   For the POWAHHHH.  What’s it to them if Charlie lives a few more years with somebody else’s support.   Like the Jahi McMath case, what this is really about is a few incompetent doctors not wanting to be shown up by more competent doctors elsewhere, so they petition the court to bury the evidence of their own incompetence – SIX FEET UNDER.  This is what the rot of TYRANNY smells like, but our British cousins are so steeped in it, they don’t even recognize it anymore.











About Suzanne

Reader, Inventor, amateur musician. My interests are ... kinda strange. I hope yours are as strange.

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