GDPR? What GDPR? I don’t speak GDPR.

Now appearing (fraudulently) in WordPress Dashboards all over the world:

From the above article is the pertinent quote:

“If your website has visitors from European Union countries, then this law applies to you.”

Correction, “If your website has visitors from European Union countries, then this law applies to THEM.”

The above article, ostensibly “from the experts”, makes no reference to which countries have treaties with the EU that would allow the EU to usurp their sovereignty to enforce, prosecute, and fine people within them, for having the “wrong check boxes” in their contact forms.

The EU doesn’t get to swallow the earth like some amoeba. I am neither a citizen, serf, nor resident of the EU. My websites are all hosted in non-EU countries. If the authors can show me the list of countries that have signed on to a treaty to allow the EU to prosecute people for non-GDPR-approved check boxes within their borders, I’ll consider choosing or updating my own plugins/contact forms, thank you very much, or updating my .htaccess file to block all EU IP addresses from visiting.

And that’s how it’s played.




About Suzanne

Reader, Inventor, amateur musician. My interests are ... kinda strange. I hope yours are as strange.

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