Q: Why DO the self-appointed elites defy the will of the people?

If you haven’t lived a Godly life, when you have all the money you can possibly want, the only thing left to seek is power. THAT is why.  The will of the people be damned. The elites all want to sit on the top of the heap deciding who among the “little” people get to live or die. The power of bloodlust is sooo intoxicating to them. That’s why they’re pushing so heavy on selling depopulation. They just want the sport of killing. Believe me, for every baby the elites kill remotely with vaccines, they get a special thrill up their leg. Even now the Pope pushing depopulation. (And I’m a Catholic. We know Jesus has to come again ~real~ soon.)

But you know what the ultimate goal of evil is? It’s not just committing evil against you, but getting you to commit evil too. That’s why getting other people to have abortions is a higher initiation sacrament to them than merely tricking other people into killing their own babies with vaccines. Evil wants you to join it intentionally, and become a predator, too, destroying your own soul. That is the ~ultimate~ power for the evil elites. That’s bigger than killing you.

You know they had already begun the campaign to normalize predatory pedophilia before the election. But I hazard a guess that normalizing pedophilia might be the real reason they’re trying to Islamify the country, because Islam normalizes pedophilia, with its child brides and worship of their Pedophile Prophet.

BTW – They overplayed their hand and Slate has now scrubbed its pre-election pre-pizzagate-public-awareness pro-pedophilia articles, but Salon has notA DHS insider leaked to Victurus Libertas that there will be big name pedophile arrests soon, that Anthony Wiener is singing like a bird. Well it had better be VERY soon, for the perpetrators’ own safety. The rage in American parents is reaching the boiling point.

Well, I’m ranting….





About Suzanne

Reader, Inventor, amateur musician. My interests are ... kinda strange. I hope yours are as strange.

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