Arizona Turns Its Universities into Fascist Factories

University Pays Students To Spy On Peers For ‘Bias Incidents’ – Daily Caller, 05/10/2017 Apparently, the University of Arizona couldn’t gin up enough profitable false accusations of rapes against males on campus (the last actual case being 2 years ago), so now they are turning to false accusations of ……

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University of Arizona @UofA makes laughing stock of itself with new speech code, “oops/ouch” infantalizing hypermanagement of student speech

I’m sooooo ashamed of my alma mater, the University of Arizona, making such a laughing stock of itself imposing a new infantile speech code that even the Canadians are laughing, when Canada’s own parliament has just passed a “motion” implementing Islamic Sharia anti-“blasphemy” speech code laws nation wide. This new…

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