re: Originally emailed to my family 8/8/2017
I know Chris is a bit hesitant about this, but I would like people to start learning about cryptocurrency, because I think long term, this is the way of the future, especially if Trump doesn’t manage to reign in the corruption at the Fed.
I’m writing now really, because I would like to encourage all of you to open “wallet” accounts, (and possibly accounts), so I can entice you all to take cryptocurrency seriously by sending you send you a few bucks in Bitcoin or Ethereum, for birthdays and/or holidays. Both Bitcoin and Ethereum are both on the move up, which is why I say open the account(s) now, and then read & watch whatever you want to or need to 😉
How the Fed works:
Still Report #1800 – The Money Masters 3:29:20
(you might try watching it at accelerated speed
This documentary explains the paradigm of how the “Central Bank” / “The Fed” money system really works. Ed and I watched it before Mom died, and it really really shook me up at the time. (There’s only one thing I can think of that is more diabolical.) It’s the primary cause of all poverty and war in the world.The concepts are not hard, but were so new to me, I had to watch it in 30min to 1hr segments to absorb it. Although it’s 20 years old and a little slow, but you will never regret having watched it, because it is every bit as relevant now as it was in 1913, and in 1996 when it was made, in fact, probably more so now. And now that more and more people are waking up to cryptocurrencies and their capped amounts, unless Trump gets the U.S. dollar off The Fed system, it is destined to collapse, and you don’t want to be holding much of it when that happens.
If you don’t believe me, sink it all into real estate, or gold in your own vault, but don’t let the banks be holding it. Or there are fixed-quantity cryptocurrencies, which people are using for real transactions, which makes it real money — but as people are realizing this, the cryptocurrencies are making their moves up, especially Bitcoin and Ethereum.The only reason The Fed has lasted these 104 years is because after the first 2 defeats of Fed-like systems by the Americans, (one by Obama’s hated, and Trump’s beloved Andrew Jackson), the Fed and the U.S. government colluded to remove instruction on how money works (crucial to keeping freedom) from the school curriciulums & all school text books.
Below are modern day condensed versions of the above “Money Masters”, a little quicker paced, by the same guy, Bill Still, who made the 1996 original – he is still going strong with his own YouTube channel, which Ed and I never miss.
He’s got connections, including Trump himself who is a fan:
Still Report #313 – State Money vs Bank Money 4:15
Still Report #875 – Donald Trump – Why Borrow When We Can Print? Economic Deficient Solution 9:31
Still Report #759 – Trump – Pay off the Debt in 8 Years! 10:24
The Fed Declares War on Trump, #1454 5:55
The Gold Solution is a Lie, #1457 12:34
Le Pen Supports State Money French Election Sunday #1587 7:46
– which is why the Banksters scuttled Marine La Pen’s campaign financially! (I believe the election of Macron was a rigged election anyway.)
It is my own analysis that cryptocurrencies are the only way to avoid joining the coming crash, unless Trump starts replacing Federal Reserve Notes with United States Notes. Pundits have not been saying this yet, because it will cause a panic and runs on the banks. Don’t believe the Fed propaganda that it is only The Fed that prevents bank runs. It is the Fed itself, and wars over who is issuing the money, that actually cause “bank runs”.
Love, Mom
PS –For what it’s worth – Because Ethereum has already solved the transaction speed problem this Bitcoin split was designed to fix, several years from now, I see Ethereum as possibly the winner between these three, but for the moment, Bitcoin has the larger economy around it and is growing at a steeper slope.
Bitcoin vs. Bitcoin Cash: Why Bitcoin just split, and why it matters
Two rival versions of Bitcoin might be better than one.
Update 08/17/2017, letter to my family:
I’m begging people –
The march to the sky continues.
This is not some “stock”. This is the beginning of a currency flash fire that eventually will take over the world the way the Internet took over the world because of the root concept — because it defangs the manipulated debt-based currency system of the central banks (including the private corporation deceptively named “The Federal Reserve”), and their artificially imposed booms & busts, depressions & recessions.
If Trump does not repeal and replace debt-backed U.S. Federal Reserve Notes with the sovereign U.S. Dollar, non-centralized cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum are destined to eventually replace it without him.
I am not kidding.
Theresa asked for the link again where to create accounts. It’s not the only game in town for buying Bitcoin, but it is where most people start. The initial setup works a lot like PayPal.
In time you might be interested in their sister website, with their fancy charts, and the ability to buy/sell bitcoin without fees. There are still others.