@AnnCoulter, When TWA stopped serving even water on cross country flights, passengers stopped booking TWA and they folded.
@AnnCoulter, When Eastern started rebooking passengers on cheaper airlines & pocketing the difference, forcing paid on-time passengers to race pell-mell across airports just to catch their new flights, passengers stopped booking Eastern and they folded.
@AnnCoulter, When @United started beating paid seated passengers bloody just to seat company snobs, passengers stopped booking them, and we hope to have them fold by the end of 2017.
@AnnCoulter, .@Delta is a known serial passenger abuser, even bumping paid seated toddlers in the malicious hopes their parents will “willingly” follow them off the plane. Likewise, self-respecting passengers hope to force .@Delta to fold, too.
Delta's serial passenger abuse
Delta passenger was removed – TheWrap
A man was removed from a Delta flight last week after he used the bathroom while the plane awaited takeoff on the tarmac, according to media reports.
@AnnCoulter, Airlines think if passengers will still tolerate Obama’s holdover Security Theater Gate-Rapes by pervert TSA predators, that airlines can just dogpile on too, and that we’ll all just take it.
@Ann Coulter, So now the question is WHY DID YOU EVEN BOOK .@DELTA?
@Ann Coulter, Get some self respect, book elsewhere, take charter flights, or get your pilot’s license. Private plane sales are booming. Help us fold .@Delta.
Some kindly advice. Kiss them & their snarky PR team off.

About Suzanne
Reader, Inventor, amateur musician. My interests are ... kinda strange. I hope yours are as strange.
@AnnCoulter, You knew .@Delta is a serial passenger abuser. Why did you even book them? – #FoldDelta -more –
@AnnCoulter, When TWA stopped serving even water on cross country flights, passengers stopped booking TWA and they folded.
@AnnCoulter, When Eastern started rebooking passengers on cheaper airlines & pocketing the difference, forcing paid on-time passengers to race pell-mell across airports just to catch their new flights, passengers stopped booking Eastern and they folded.
@AnnCoulter, When @United started beating paid seated passengers bloody just to seat company snobs, passengers stopped booking them, and we hope to have them fold by the end of 2017.
@AnnCoulter, .@Delta is a known serial passenger abuser, even bumping paid seated toddlers in the malicious hopes their parents will “willingly” follow them off the plane. Likewise, self-respecting passengers hope to force .@Delta to fold, too.
@AnnCoulter, Airlines think if passengers will still tolerate Obama’s holdover Security Theater Gate-Rapes by pervert TSA predators, that airlines can just dogpile on too, and that we’ll all just take it.
@Ann Coulter, So now the question is WHY DID YOU EVEN BOOK .@DELTA?
@Ann Coulter, Get some self respect, book elsewhere, take charter flights, or get your pilot’s license. Private plane sales are booming. Help us fold .@Delta.
About Suzanne
Reader, Inventor, amateur musician. My interests are ... kinda strange. I hope yours are as strange.