Climate-Ignorance Pride in Europe

American-born German ridicules her former countrymen

You asked for feedback, here it is. I live in a suburb of Phoenix, Arizona USA. We Arizonans are intelligent enough to know that heat comes from the SUN.

I am extremely angry. You made a baaaaaad political mistake insulting your own viewers by ridiculing them as “deniers”. Americans are simply allowed to read more science than Europeans are. The Goebbels-style censoring of non-pc speech in Europe, and especially in Germany, is notorious in the U.S. It is not possible for all scientists to “agree”. If they ever do, it’s not science. It’s politics, and they are “agreeing” out of fear of the pre-Galilean neanderthal sycophants of smarmy sneering Jeane-Claude Juncker & Angela Merkel.

1) The Scientific Evidence is that Earth’s climate changes are due to changes in the Sun’s solar cycles right now. It is NOT caused by humanity. How do we know this? Because the sun is in an unusually bright & hot period right now, and because of this global warming is going on on ALL the planets in the solar system right now. Not on just the Earth. So there is no possible way humanity can be affecting ALL the planets.

2) Even if humanity could cause global warming on all the planets in the solar system, there is no possible way illegally taxing Americans to pay the Chinese to keep polluting China while shutting down their own already much cleaner economy, will help in any way with cleaning up pollution on the earth, much less solving “climate change”. I remember how America used to smell long before you were born. Perpetual fumes in the air and all the fish in the Hudson were dead. So we were the people who STARTED “Earth Day”, and now America is a much cleaner, non-littering, recycling country. Not because we have to be taxed to leave clean. But because we CHOOSE to live clean.

You used to be American. Just what did you think “Freedom” meant? 1776 was all about throwing off the tax-sucking king of England, who was using taxes as economic warfare against his own colonies.

Don’t be a denier! This entire “Paris Agreement” had NOTHING to do with the “environment” and everything to do with illegally taxing Americans to pay for a foreign international slush fund, with all facts about where the money was actually going or how it was to be spent CONCEALED FROM VIEW. Corrupt indeed!

The entire thing is a fraud. And we’re not going to fall for it.

3) Since Americans have, and are anxious to share, the technology to produce clean energy and clean coal energy, shutting down the American coal industry for no reason would do nothing but maliciously shut down the American economy, in smarmy sneering economic warfare against the U.S.

This economic warfare against America has been going on for at least 30 years in the attempt to subdue and submit the U.S. to the modern day Third Reich called the E.U., and we’re on-to it. We are just not going to put up with it anymore.

You have NO idea of the depth of hatred Americans have for the anti-Americans Obama, Juncker, and Merkel. Tell Merkel for me that her little mustache is showing, and we are ready to take down the E.U. tanks she thinks she is going to send over here.


About Suzanne

Reader, Inventor, amateur musician. My interests are ... kinda strange. I hope yours are as strange.

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