A friend and I were recently discussing the effectiveness of new-fangled electric nit combs (brand name Robi Combs, avail. at Walgreens & CVS) to treat the recent outbreak of lice that got into the family after one of us tried on a hat at Wal-Mart. The electric comb worked extremely well.
On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 10:08 AM, friend Ed wrote:
Expand for Discussion of applying electronic technology to Ebola

What’s puzzling to me is that even though a Zapper Comb uses a small jolt of voltage to kill head lice, which are very tough little creatures to kill, and it kills them better than the toxic shampoos that people have been using in the past, people have a hard time believing Zapper technology for any other uses, is valid… that a mild electric current kills parasites, bacteria and virus. And even if it does, that this would have any good effect on human health. Well, certainly it would! It would kill parasites and bacteria and viruses that carry disease! Its just like killing head lice but in miniature, since a louse is a thousand times bigger than a bacteria, and a million times bigger than a virus. The fact they’re so small is what makes a mild electric current cook and explode them, without having any effect on the integral cells of our body. What’s bad for the louse is bad for the parasite, bacteria, and virus.
Yet we never hear the story in the media!
I’ve got to believe electro-therapy for good health has been misjudged, attacked, and suppressed… by the same money-grubbing, control-seeking institutions that send spokes-people onto Fox News and make fun of, and call ignorant and criminal, those parents who don’t want their kids to possibly come down with diseases by getting shots! With the virulent enterovirus outbreak in the Midwest now, and in the ebola cases among police and that sick (now dead) man’s family members in Dallas, I wish one preventative, one antidote they tried was the Zapper! What if two or three painless and easy five-minute treatments a day with the zapper would stop symptoms from even appearing? I wish somebody at grave risk of getting the disease, could try that out, and possibly save their life! Best Health to All, —–Ed
On Oct 9, 2014 5:48 AM, I wrote:
I certainly believe it would work against Ebola. No reason why it wouldn’t, when it works so well against other stuff. Suzanne
On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 2:04 PM, I wrote:
It’s worse than you think, Ed. Another known cure – colloidal silver, documented by our own Dept. of Defense as protecting our own soldiers from weaponized Ebola – is actively being suppressed by the W.H.O. We have the proof of both (that it’s a documented cure and that the W.H.O. is suppressing it):
Governments seize colloidal silver being used to treat Ebola patients, says advocate
Colloidal silver (also known as nano-silver) is minute amounts of silver dissolved in water to drink. It kills every pathogen while leaving you healthy. My daughter and I know a man in the local HAM radio club that drinks it on a daily basis, and he looks like a robust ol’ gent to me. He told my daughter he makes his own, standing a silver wire in a glass and vibrating the glass with music sound waves (although most online kits use electrodes instead), and it makes him a gallon supply that it takes him about a month to drink. There are scare articles online of people who have drunk massive amounts and managed to turn themselves blue (but they were healthy), but this man is definitely NOT blue, and says those people were stupid government shills. Anyway, there is no money to be made in super inexpensive cures like zappers and nano-silver, and some people who are manipulating the world (Bilderbergers, etc.) are positively salivating at the thought of injecting Ebola “vaccine” into you, times 7 billion, because a) they will be ultra-super expensive, and b) as if we didn’t know flu vaccine intentionally spreads the flu to cull the old, this will intentionally spread Ebola to cull the world’s population down to a fraction.
I’m not kidding. I’m not kidding. Satan on wheels has arrived. (Can the 2nd coming of Christ be far behind?)
And we already know how other Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation vaccines are going:
Bill Gates’ Polio Vaccine Program Eradicates Children, Not Polio
Incredibly, it gets EVEN worse. We might not be dealing with true Ebola at all, but a weaponized meningitis vaccine experiment in West Africa gone horribly wrong
(or wonderfully right, depending on your perspective), courtesy again of the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation:
The world is in chaos, chaos IS evil and evil people are stirring the pot. The assortments of governments are NOT looking out for you, AND profiteers are lining up to buy them off anyway.
That’s why we all must be discussing, acquiring, and telling everyone we know how to protect ourselves and our families. NOBODY is going to do it FOR us.
About Suzanne
Reader, Inventor, amateur musician. My interests are ... kinda strange. I hope yours are as strange.