Trump reverses predatory light bulb agenda

Re: Trump Administration Reverses Standards For Energy-Efficient Lightbulbs – NPR 09/04/2019 (archived here) In a bizarre twist, NPR condemns President Trump for reversing regulations banning incandescent light bulbs, and issues a ridiculous panic article that the general public is going to somehow flock back to them, or that the light…

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@MarketWatch Denigrates Retirees. Wants them dead.

What a filthy judgemental materialistic new concept MarketWatch introduces in this article. Now people “fail” at retirement, do they? Nay, worse. They are “failed retirees”. It’s the new “identity”, so wear that scarlet “R”, people. Bad enough you’ve been laid off. Now you’re deemed worthless, useless, obsolete. The corporate elites…

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@ElonMusk Needs Bodyguards!

Elon Musk needs bodyguards. The published NWO agenda (see here & here) has been accelerating to depopulate the world and extinguish humanity with faux-pandemics and weaponized vaccines, while they still can, while we’re all still fish in a barrel, before humanity can spread to the winds beyond the earth and…

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