University of Arizona @UofA makes laughing stock of itself with new speech code, “oops/ouch” infantalizing hypermanagement of student speech

I’m sooooo ashamed of my alma mater, the University of Arizona, making such a laughing stock of itself imposing a new infantile speech code that even the Canadians are laughing, when Canada’s own parliament has just passed a “motion” implementing Islamic Sharia anti-“blasphemy” speech code laws nation wide.

This new Univ. of Arizona “diversity handbook”, (archived here), wastes no time opening right up on the first page with a bulleted list of several bigoted (racist, sexist, Christophobic, & heterophobic) assumptions & assignations to the student body.

It seems highly unlikely that any of the campus minorities ever asked to have their concerns so trivialized and mocked with instructions for saying “Ouch” and “Oops”.

But we should acknowledge that historically there has been quite a bit of intentionally anti-Christian malice involved in the U of A’s campus scheduling for decades, going way back to even when I was a student there, particularly consistently squatting a raucous carnival named “Spring Fling” on Good Friday (a rather somber annual observance) every year, for many years running. There is/was no need or purpose for the U of A to specifically chase and target that widely floating date every year, other than the macro-aggression of intentionally insulting and spitting on the U of A’s Christian population, in the name of imposing their imaginary mandated secular (read: atheistic hate) religion.

It’s not as if Good Friday were some obscure minority observance from halfway around the world. To this day, most Americans still identify as Christian. If the U of A is willing to work with a small minority of men identifying as women, and women identifying as men, the U of A should be willing to work with the throngs of majority students identifying as Christians.  Not ignore or trivialize their concerns with instructions for issuing an infantile “Ouch”.  And “Oops” only counts for mistakes. I for one never asked the U of A administration for an apology over their “Spring Fling” scheduling garbage. One expects habitual kneejerk micro-aggressions, as well as carefully planned macro-aggressions, from sneering bigots in positions of power. Requesting an apology with an “ouch” only gives the bigots further opportunity to spit on you again by refusing you so much as an “oops”.

Don’t believe me about the U of A’s once imposed, now ingrained, anti-Christian culture? Try merely saying a benevolent “Bless you” after someone sneezes in a U of A classroom. You’ll be glared down by the professor, of not openly “corrected”. What then if if both students (the sneezer and the blesser) stand up and declare “Ouch!” at the professor?  Would the 20 page rule book meant for everybody else then apply to the elites?

I wouldn’t count on it.   “Oops” is for mistakes.




About Suzanne

Reader, Inventor, amateur musician. My interests are ... kinda strange. I hope yours are as strange.

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