WHAT? A WordPress Agenda for a “Digital Climate Strike”?? Oh, Hayell no!

From the WordPress.com blog –

 Join us in a Digital Climate Strike, by Jack Lennox 09/12/2019

This September, millions will take to the streets to demand an end to the age of fossil fuels. Show your solidarity by displaying a digital climate strike banner for the month.

First off, I was highly offended that this piece of leftist drivel infiltrated my email box, just because I had registered for a technical service.  (Time to slam somebody.)

What I wanted to say:

I’m afraid I cannot participate, as I have been reading the science data, and not only is “climate change” not anthropogenic, we know from ice cores drilled millennia deep, and from centuries of tree rings, that climate change is cyclic and comes from solar cycles. No amount of taxing you or me to pay the U.N., for the right to exhale or drive a car, will change a single storm or change the winter polar plunge we are about to enter into.

As you should know, CO2 is required for plant life, and whether we want the world to go vegetarian or feed farm animals, we’d better keep a few plants around. Even if it were possible to generate more CO2, the forests of the world would expand, grow greener, and soak it up.   Hey, I’d love to recover the Sahara by supporting greening it.  That would stop its blowing dust devils, that start the swirling puffs that ultimately grow into hurricanes.

So no, I’m not ok with destroying the world’s economy, much less my own, based on fake short-hindsight ‘science’, just to virtue signal to… whom… smug little Swedish girls?

What I did say, because their comment guidelines indicate their usual readers don’t have the attention span beyond 3 breaths:

I’m afraid I cannot participate, as I have been reading the science data, which indicates the earth’s climate is cyclical and driven by solar cycles. It is not antropgenic. As you should know, CO2 is required for plant life, and whether we want the world to go vegetarian or feed elephants in the savanna, we’d better keep a few plants around.

So no, I’m not ok with destroying the world’s ecology and economy, much less my own, to pay taxes to the U.N. for the right to exhale or drive a car, just to virtue signal to… whom… smug little Swedish girls?




About Suzanne

Reader, Inventor, amateur musician. My interests are ... kinda strange. I hope yours are as strange.

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