Trump – RFK Jr Split Ticket? Why not? They’re already running on the same Platform!

Robert F. Kennedy Jr has been seriously turning heads among Trump’s vax sceptic and vax-science-truth base, even without having thrown his hat in the ring for president.  Now that he has, it appears he and Trump are essentially running on the same platform, “Drain the Swamp” vs(?) ” End Corporate…

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God’s Irony: Pope Francis shamed into honoring Mary, and freezing out his favorite pagan fertility idol

Listen 6:39 It appears maybe God was fed up with Pope Francis’ habitual knee-jerk criticism of normie Roman Catholics for being, well, normie Roman Catholics, especially of those who pray the rosary, which is merely a guided meditation on the life of Jesus Christ as seen through the eyes of…

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Bishop Cancels Santa Claus, Breaks Children’s Hearts

     After the Pope’s ugly-supremacist Nativity Scene from Hell last year, what more can we expect from these childless old clergymen this year? Bah! Humbug! Bishop tells children Santa doesn’t exist Roman Catholic diocese in Sicily publicly apologizes to outraged parents (archived, screenshot)      What kind of a Father does…

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Ever meet a mean vegan? You know you have.

So Jake Mace, an organic gardener with  over 100k followers on YouTube alone, let alone other platforms, asks ‘Why do people hate me?’ Really? Jake, since you asked at timestamp 38:57 “I don’t understand to this day why anybody would hate me!” I will tell you my perception. I never…

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Silly Papacy Occupier Francis, Heaven can’t exist without Hell, because they are the same place.

This papacy occupier is such an immature thinker, because this is so easy to reconcile.  Heaven and Hell are actually the same place — that place where no lies are possible, only truth. Those who love Truth will be happy for forever. Those who hate Truth and love lies will…

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@MarketWatch Denigrates Retirees. Wants them dead.

What a filthy judgemental materialistic new concept MarketWatch introduces in this article. Now people “fail” at retirement, do they? Nay, worse. They are “failed retirees”. It’s the new “identity”, so wear that scarlet “R”, people. Bad enough you’ve been laid off. Now you’re deemed worthless, useless, obsolete. The corporate elites…

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Why is popular “Collective-Evolution” blog pushing brutal Buddhism?

What is Collective-Evolution’s agenda in pushing this brutal Buddhist world view?  Their article boils down to ‘Be Oblivious. Let Predators in. Then Blame the Victim.’ No.  Life is bigger than that. 1) Worry is motivation to solve a problem.  If you don’t care enough to solve it, it won’t get solved,…

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Pope Francis Instructs Us to Ignore the Words of Christ!

“Trust in Christ – not in horoscopes, Pope Francis says” Of course, the Three Wise Astrologers were the first to ever even acknowledge the Christ Child after his birth. We have in Luke 21:25-28, Jesus telling us that signs in the Sun, Moon, & Stars will be announcing the return…

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