@Politico, @SchreckReports, @Hadas_Gold, Of Course Trump’s War on Fake News is Real. You just don’t recognize the weapons.
Of course Trump’s war on fake news is real. Politico, you just don’t recognize the weapons.
Of course Trump’s war on fake news is real. Politico, you just don’t recognize the weapons.
Just in time for Holy Thursday and the celebration of the Last Supper Seder Meal, a couple of Jewish Rabbis have decided that Christians worldwide should cease and desist their racist cultural appropriation of a (formerly) Jewish-only custom. Just forget about that Jesus being a Jew thing. Those 2 particular…
I’m sooooo ashamed of my alma mater, the University of Arizona, making such a laughing stock of itself imposing a new infantile speech code that even the Canadians are laughing, when Canada’s own parliament has just passed a “motion” implementing Islamic Sharia anti-“blasphemy” speech code laws nation wide. This new…
Oh, yeah, Papa Francis? Whatever you said to us American’s, I don’t know, because at least 75% of Americans, including myself, DON’T SPEAK SPANISH. What an insult you’ve dished us. What continuous insults you keep dishing Americans and American Christians, including us American Catholics. When you came to visit the…
Today in a column by Pat Buchanan, Buchanan calls Paul Ryan the Nelson Rockefeller of his generation, because of all the dirty tricks Ryan is still trying to pull, delusionally thinking he can force Trump to march to the Globalist toady RINO agenda that Trump just ran on vanquishing, and…
Dear Mr. Trump, Now that the pope thing is over, radio pundits (at least Rush & Sean) are pouncing on your CNN Town Hall comment concerning Obamacare, that you “like the mandate”. It seems to me you mistook the question as meaning a mandate for the government to take care…
It’s fashionable to denounce Donald J. Trump for calling for a temporary ban on the immigration of “all Muslims until our leaders can figure out what the hell is going on”. But I think this guy is crazy like a fox. We have pundits all over the place, on the…
American Exceptionalism means precisely and only that we are NOT the government’s “herd” for career elitists to “manage”. “Freedom” is not some empty word. Words mean things. Removing patients’ & parents’ right to informed consent to mandated medical procedures is medical tyranny. And in some respects, we’ve already…
We all know what’s going on in modern times: angry gay activists who don’t really want their (faux-wedding) ceremony to be about love between soul mates (that’s why it’s faux), but about revenge on God for inventing the whole “one man / one woman” marriage thing. They pick a date,…