I Want to Buy a Memorial Brick in that Wall, Mr. Trump

Mr. Trump,  As I was tootling down Interstate-10 from Phoenix to Tucson for the Tucson Trump Rally, (because it was more convenient for my friend to attend in Tucson), on the radio came the old favorite Pink Floyd song, “Another Brick in the Wall”.  The DJ, a big fan of yours, was gleefully playing & singing with it.

Pink Floyd, The Wall, album covver

We don’t need no education
We don’t need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teachers leave them kids alone
Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone!
All in all it’s just another brick in the wall.
All in all you’re just another brick in the wall.

We don’t need no education
We don’t need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teachers leave them kids alone
Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone!
All in all it’s just another brick in the wall.
All in all you’re just another brick in the wall.

Then in the middle of your rally, as the ugly La Raza protesters were sending their own children  down the aisles carrying hate signs and even one wearing a KKK hood, I suddenly realized, yes sure, Mexico’s going to pay for it, but that I myself want to buy an engraved memorial brick for the border wall!

We need the wall, because without it, after your term(s) as president are up, any future president, could simply reverse orders again on our courageous Border Patrol and order them to once again stand down, and reopen the borders. By then the country will have realized that Obama was not acting out of “incompetence”, but out of intentional malice.  Lest there be a future anti-American president, we need a permanent wall!

Engraved Memorial BricksIt suddenly occurred to me, too, that even once the wall is built, someday the reason for the wall might be forgotten, or rather buried, as history revisionists are always hard at work in the world, even denying the holocaust ever happened, and attempting to force our children to forget freedom and believe a communist slave economy would be a good thing.  Just look at all of them who grew up to be Communist Bernie voters.

So when the wall goes up, I sincerely hope the opportunity to buy engraved memorial bricks for the wall on the Mexican border is made available, giving voice to the many thousands of Americans who have been victimized by the crimes committed by illegal immigrants, who should never have been allowed to come in without vetting, by the several previous administrations.  Let them go through the door legally, let them be vetted, and let the reminder forever stand, carved in stone, of exactly why the wall was built.



About Suzanne

Reader, Inventor, amateur musician. My interests are ... kinda strange. I hope yours are as strange.

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