That Giant Sucking Sound – It Was Globalists’ Economic Warfare Against the U.S. All Along

1992 Presidential Debate
between Ross Perot, George Bush Sr., & Bill Clinton

Perot came so close to winning that year, that the Bushes/Clintons (whom he was running against in the above debate, making the same economic arguments Donald Trump makes today),  threatened the life of his daughter to force him to quit. This year, the Clintons threatened the life of Bernie Sanders’ wife.

Trump and his sons wear bullet proof vests wherever they go, I’m sure for the same reason. Besides his Secret Service detail, Trump himself is armed. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. Wearing a vest would be too obvious for Ivanka, so I think she just keeps herself and her babies surrounded with armed guards.

I want Hillary, Bill, and Chelsea to all go to prison for the rape of Haiti, and Chelsea’s children to grow up prison orphans. I want Obama’s daughters to do likewise.

I want Bush Sr., who according to insiders arranged the assassination attempt against Reagan, to spend his last breaths in a dank and dingy prison cell. I want Bush Jr’s daughters and grandchildren to only be able to see him for a few minutes every other week behind glass, for the stand down order on 9/11.

Jeb’s a special case.  He thought he was going to put America through a presidency every bit as evil and slimy as his governorship in Florida, where the courts are allowed to run amok against old people, just so the state can confiscate their estates.  People might have forgotten the specifics of the Terri Schiavo case, but I have not, and they certainly did not forget how he made them feel.  Jeb Bush is viscerally hated all over the entire country, because he forced Terri Schiavo’s parents, and the whole country, to watch as he refused to pardon an innocent, handicapped, yet fully conscious woman, to a vicious Auschwitz starvation & dehydration bunker death.  I won’t get this wish in this life, but Jeb, I want likewise put to death by starvation & dehydration bunker.  After due trial, of course.

In addition to all their other crimes, I want them all tried for Treason: for the Economic Warfare they have intentionally waged against the United States on behalf of their foreign benefactors for my entire adult working life. Except for Obama. We can’t try him for Treason because he’s not an American citizen. He’s an Indonesian citizen. (Trump knows it doesn’t matter where he was born – it’s what he is now.) Therefore, we can only try Obama for Espionage.

Perot was very prescient for his time, but should have realized he was getting himself involved in a stealth economic war waged against the U.S.

Trump does.





About Suzanne

Reader, Inventor, amateur musician. My interests are ... kinda strange. I hope yours are as strange.

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