It makes me sick that the RINO establishment of the Republican party keeps floating this idea of brokering a convention.
What a spit in the face of the electorate!! After all these months of hard campaigning, debates, and vote counts, if the Republican Establishment simply don’t like the voters’ choice and force a brokered convention to pick some other candidate out of their asses, that will be the end of the Republican party. If they take away our choice, we will have no choice.
We will bail, vote 3rd party, and never return. In HUGE numbers. And no, it won’t be for an electorate abuser like Donald Trump, either. “Now I’m in. Now I’m out. Now I’m in again.” The voters are will not be toyed with.
Even afriend of mine who is himself a RINO, has independently blogged that he agrees!
Please, no. If the GOP ditches both Mitt and Rick in favor of somebody else, what a slap in the face it would be to primary and caucus voters — in essence, telling them their vote isn’t worth a darn with the big shots. Even a plurality nominee would be better.
Is the Republican nomination process in some kind of mess? Not at all! I’m very glad the voters are taking it so seriously and looking so closely at each candidate. That rather makes me think that instead, things are going perfectly! 🙂 Last time, Hilary and Barry fought it out for the Dems well into June, and nobody threatened the Democrat primary voters that they had better “pick the correct one, or we’ll just overrule you.” Noooo. The hater feminists and the hater racists got to slug it out all the way to the end, all fair and square, that year.

McCain endorsing Romney
RINOs herding together
So this time, the Republican primary voters are taking a serious look at each candidate, too, picking up one after the other and examining them carefully and putting them down again, measuring each one against the party-establishment-anointed RINO (Romney). We are all extremely suspicious now after that miserable failed campaign of the anointed RINO McCain last time. Obama’s eligibility issues aside, when there’s almost no difference in the general election between the candidates, left vs a little less left, then there is no reason not to vote for Obama.
And who wants that again?!
So now Santorum appears to be the last one standing, and that’s just fine with me. Only the RINOs don’t like him. Well phooey on them. It’s sickening how they side with the leftist media attack dogs, savaging Santorum and sniffing up his wife’s skirt, liberals feigning shock and affront at the Santorums’ married sexual preferences, based on their deeply held faith in the inherent dignity of man and woman, and of the product of their mutual love – children. Heh. Well I certainly do not feel threatened by the Santorums’ use of organic NFP (Natural Family Planning) to time their pregnancies. Should anyone? That’s their choice. It was my choice too when I was married. The effectiveness stats of NFP are better after all, because it takes out the guessing, and it sure beats those human pesticides called “contraceptives”.
Senator Santorum did not make contraceptives the government’s business. Der self-styled Fuhrer, Herr Obama, did that himself by mandating by mere fiat that we should all pay for other people’s dirty bedroom habits. But instead of questioning Obama’s motives (much less his sanity), the media has commenced a verbal rape of Rick Santorum! And we’ve seen this exact same thing play out, too, four years ago – in “The Wilding of Sarah Palin”. Why? Because they simply can’t stand it that both Palin and Santorum choose to live in faithful marriages, and chose to love their handicapped children rather than abort them. This really humiliates the left no end. This is what got the Christians of ancient Rome thrown to the lions, after all, because they had been rescuing the Roman “infant rejects” from their designated hillside deaths. This of course had the side effect of humiliating the babies’ infanticidal Roman parents. So nooooo! Can’t have that! Well I say congratulations, Senator Santorum and Governor Palin, you are in the excellent company of saints.
And you will be glad to know that the public has become increasingly inoculated against such really vicious leftist games. So no, liberal medial, we won’t vote for Mitt Romney just because you verbally rape Rick Santorum.
Sen. Santorum returns fire
over Charlie Rose ‘gotcha’ question.
Ya know, the Democrats are the ones who are going to be caught with their pants down and require a brokered convention. Let me repeat that. The Democrats are the ones who are going to require a brokered convention.
They’re not running primaries, and already over 10 states have pending legal challenges to Obama’s eligibility to even be on their ballots. Ohhh, for lotsa good reasons. Another challenge has just landed directly on the desk of the Supreme Court.
The states’ positions are, “Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, shame on us.” So he goin’ down. Eventually in all 57 (snicker snicker) states. And, yes, we are expecting yet another a big news break from his arch-nemesis, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, come March 1st. And dayang! Hilary is still so desperately chasing that World Bank job (6/2011 and 2/2012). Oops! But she might be smelling her opportunity after all. If this NWO thing really isn’t going to work out, why, she’ll settle for U.S. President. Especially if she convinces herself that media-verbal-rape-victim Rick Santorum is easy pickins.