Why did nobody notice the $400M missing that Obama paid Iran in Ransom?
Well, the thing about cash, and where banks get it, where all government actually gets it (from the banks), is they print it out of thin air, and then add it to the debt of whomever approached the bank for a “loan”.
When you simply take out a car loan, the bank didn’t have that money before you asked for it. They printed it, or flipped some bits in a database, and then “loaned” it to you and then started charging you interest on it.
This is why so many people want the Fed overhauled (which is the black box that is chartered by the government to do this for the banks).
The fact is, they print enough money for the loans, so the economy has enough money to function, but they do NOT print enough money for the interest on those loans, so it’s all one big ponsi scheme. This is how and why they (intentionally) periodically bust the economy and “foreclose” on so many of the businesses and other assets (the TRUE assets) the American people have accumulated. This is the true method by which the mega-bank-connected rich suck up all the wealth of the lower classes.
It’s nothing but a continuous cyclical ponsi scheme, and taxes are nothing but a hoax to obfuscate how they’re doing it.
The very best 3.5 hours you can spend (watch it in parts) is to watch the documentary “The Money Masters” by Bill Still.
Trump is a fan of Bill Still’s. ✔