Hillary’s False Flag Internet Outage, WW III has begun

So the war has started. Please do not believe for a moment that the Internet outages afflicting major cities of the U.S. and parts of Europe today are anyone but Hillary Clinton’s doing, (with help from Obama himself). I promise you, by the evening news tonight, they will both be…

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Create Wealth Locally.

Eschew Globalist Slave Masters.  Create Wealth Locally. re: “G20: populist politicians threaten global economy” Washington (AFP) – The G20 warned Friday that populist politicians playing up anti-globalization and anti-free trade sentiments were putting the global economy at risk. The article goes on to quote China’s Finance Minister & slave master…

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That Giant Sucking Sound – It Was Globalists’ Economic Warfare Against the U.S. All Along

1992 Presidential Debate between Ross Perot, George Bush Sr., & Bill Clinton Perot came so close to winning that year, that the Bushes/Clintons (whom he was running against in the above debate, making the same economic arguments Donald Trump makes today),  threatened the life of his daughter to force him…

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@realDonaldTrump Should Buy Guantanamo Before Obama Gives It to Castro Brothers

Mr. Trump, I know you’re a busy man.  I’ve written here twice before, (1) that I believe Obama plans to retire to Cuba, and (2) why he wants to close our Gitmo prison there so damn fast.  I believe he plans to buy the Castro brothers’ favor by unilaterally abandoning U.S. interests…

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