Handmade Heaven

I can’t believe I’ve only JUST discovered Etsy.com! Where HAVE I been??? It’s where artisans of all types and interests hang out their wonderful handmade wares. All unique items you won’t find in Wal-Mart, with far less expensive listing fees, and with far less oppressive “rules” than eBay. So I…

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Blogging Engineers Come to Blows over Water Powered Cars

A lot of verbal fisticuffs have been flying on sites like TreeHugger and Slashdot between science minded people who are lining up and polarizing over the whole concept of extracting energy from H2O. And I gotta tell ya, some of it’s getting pretty hostile. In This Cornahh! Defenders of the…

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Genepax Water Car Company Developing English-Language Web Site

I don’t think Genepax realized the attention they were going to garner from all over the world, or they might have had an English-language web site ready before their big unveiling last week. 😉 I myself was so happy to see the story of their water-powered car, that I jumped…

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Water Powered Car Ushers in Age of Aquarius

Age of Aquarius The more I think about it, the more I realize just how huge the implications are that mainstream consciousness, is finally picking up on water fueled cars! I’d been seeing the ads around for conversion kits for a couple of months, and by investigating had found like…

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