Crypto Guru Review, by a Mom

To My Dear (grown) Children,

As of this writing, Bitcoin is back up enough that the money I’m sending
0.06739776 BTC = $1,021.64

is enough to initiate an interest bearing “loan” to the Bitconnect trading bot.

You might not choose a lending program.  There are mining pools you can join, which I know very little about, or you can just sit on it and watch the market.  My own goal is to earn more Bitcoins (more dollars is just gravy),  so I did go with a loan investment program.

A minimum of $1010 gets you an extra .1% / day.  The “Reinvests” do not get that extra .1% kicker, but you have the option of reinvesting it every day for the daily variable interest, or holding it until you have enough to initiate another loan.  You can hold it in unchanging USD, or in the BCC (Bitconnect) coin wallet, on the possibility it might grow there faster than in the USD wallet.  Putting it immediately into BTC (Bitcoin) incurs exchange fees, and if you’re going to reinvest it or make a new loan anyway, there is no point.
I started mine at $1020, did daily reinvests for a couple of weeks, but I’m now accumulating the interest, in either the USD Lending Wallet, or the BCC wallet (BCC=Bitconnect Coin), until I accumulate enough interest to initiate another loan with the .1% daily kicker.   The BCC Bitconnect Coin is not the same as the BTC Bitcoin, but they follow very similar profiles on their price charts.   I care more about the slopes up and down than I care about the actual price per coin, since unlike stocks, you can buy fractions of coins.
The BCC company did some kind of adjustment to its coin supply or something, to correct for that too steep dip last week.  They appear to want to keep it on mirroring BTC.
BTC & BCC price path in USD (U.S. Dollars) as of 01/02/2018
BCC, BTC price comparison in USD, 01/02/2018

BTC & BCC’s daily ROI (Return on Investment), as of 01/02/2018
BCC, BTC ROI comparison, 01/02/2018

Some of my favorite crypto gurus on YouTube are:
World Crypto Network (WCN) –  a variety of crypto shows a day, with multiple hosts, much like FreedomizerRadio
Thomas Hunt – short Bitcoin news blips on the above WCN, but with his own channel too at MadBitcoins.
Tone Vays – extensive Bitcoin chart analysis
Jimmy Song – Bitcoin blockchain programmer, teaching blockchain programming seminars
Crypto Spark – short videos with a broad view on the world of crypto, which is much bigger than just Bitcoin
Sunny Decree – Swiss German, good technicals, good overview of the crypto world.  Used to sponsor Bitconnect, but he turned on them over a graphical image error on the Bitconnect website, which he felt was misleading, and I felt was merely a mistake.  It has since been corrected in either case.  I guess he does all right for himself on other lending and especially mining platforms.
Ivan on Tech – Programmer, Russian born, now lives in Sweden.  Good technical explanations.  He appears to be younger than I think he really is.  I think he wears lipstick.  He is starting up an online academy to teach blockchain programming.   He’s the one who said how hard it was to explain to citizens of 1st world countries why Bitcoin is a safe haven from banksters & governments who go rogue.  But people in Russia, Venezuela, & Zimbabwe, etc, get it.
Andreas Antonopolus – deeply philosophical and evangelical about Bitcoin saving the world – he saved his mother’s life savings from the clutches of the E.U./European Central Banks/Greek Government (aka crony banksters)  when they went raiding the Greek public’s deposits, called “Bail-ins”, a crime they had been planning against the whole world, including Americans, to save the banksters from their own corruption failures, —  by transferring her life savings into Bitcoin where they couldn’t get it..    (Don’t think the NWO doesn’t eventually have that planned for you and me, if they could possibly get away with it.)
CryptoNick – a teenager who has a knack for trading & choosing lending programs (there are others besides Bitconnect) & cloud mining investments.  He made a bet with his parents he wouldn’t have to go to college if he could make a millionaire of himself, and he did it faster than he expected to.
EverythingCrypto – a brand new channel that only has 3 videos, but if she keeps it up, she’s very good at explaining how-to’s to newbies to crypto.  Just those 3 videos have already put her over 4,000 subscribers.
Bitconnect Specific Gurus I like are –
Roy Murphy – lots of calm technical explanations.  I ended up choosing him as my “upline” sponsor, (not required to join Bitconnect) because I was pretty sick of all the drama on several other Bitconnect YouTube channels.
Crypto Challenge, Darren (I don’t know his last name) – lots more calm technical explanations.
Trevon James – some technical, a lot of drama, always entertaining, he sometimes understands more than he’s able to express.
One I really don’t like is –
Craig Grant – actually pays for ads on YouTube.  ALL DRAMA ALL THE TIME, no technical nuthin’.  Big swagger.  After several videos, I’ve realized I really don’t like him as a person.  I even hate his commercials now.
You all need Coinbase accounts to move USD into and out of your bank accounts, although I hear others are becoming available.   However, Coinbase is known to pass judgement on your transactions, and if they consider who you’re transacting with “spammy”, they will suddenly close your account.
I have no idea what Coinbase thinks of Bitconnect, because Bitconnect is only a year old.  In fact, Bitconnect is having an ICO & new decentralized exchange launch later this month.  You can make a lot of money with Bitconnect without being anyone’s sponsor, but their main marketing model is Multi-Level-Marketing, where you can make a lot more money in commissions a lot faster, if you have the personality for it.  (I don’t think I do.)  But just the MLM aspect triggers some people into labeling Bitconnect a “scam”.  It’s not.   But I don’t know what Coinbase thinks of it.
For this reason, the advice I’ve heard more than once is to get a personal wallet for BTC/ETH/LTC that is the only path you move crypto money into and out of Coinbase with, even though it might cost you more fees.   Right now Nick and I have wallets.  A lot of people have Exodus wallets you download and install on your hard drive.  (I’m too scared of them, myself.)   I believe Andreas Antonopolus is associated with both of those companies.  I wouldn’t touch a phone wallet, except for maybe enough money to go grocery shopping with.  Tone Vays recommends GreenAddress.   A quick search on (DNS, IP loation)’s & (DNS, IP location)’s server info, shows that they are both hosted in likely the same building in San Francisco.
Bitconnect itself has a BTC wallet, but that is the wallet I prefer not to deposit directly to from Coinbase.

Some people prefer and recommend hard wallets, which plug into your USB port, which have recovery protocols you can set up in advance to recover your money, if it ever gets lost, stolen, or destroyed.

Some of the gurus have demonstration/review videos of hard wallets.   Nano S & Tresor seem to be the two big names.

Oh, yeah, where I chart:


Where Tone Vays charts:

I guess that’s enough for now.
Dang!  In the time it took to write this,
0.06739776 BTC = $1,000.41
We’ll have to watch it to get it locked in a “loan” above $1010 or $1020.  Bitcoin almost looks like a living thing, the way it breaths in and out.
I view Bitconnect as taking some of the volatility out of crypto for me.   It’s like jumping rope, timing when to jump in, when to jump out.
That’s enough for now. 
Love, Mom
PS – Update 01/08/2018 – On a final note, you might have fun (& profit) looking into Steemit social media.  This guy, Thrift Shop Hustler on YouTube, & @reseller on Steemit (same guy), is pretty good at explaining it, although its level of complication is like learning a high-strategy virtual game!    💡  😆

About Suzanne

Reader, Inventor, amateur musician. My interests are ... kinda strange. I hope yours are as strange.

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