Agenda for the Degradation of Humanity – Escalating expectation of table manners to “mental illness”

Somebody sent me these pieces of garbage: Misophonia Test- Do you have Misophonia? The crunch of an apple makes me want to run away By Lucy Wallis BBC World Service   (For those who missed it, “misophonia” is the new mental illness designation for people who merely object to lack…

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@ElonMusk Needs Bodyguards!

Elon Musk needs bodyguards. The published NWO agenda (see here & here) has been accelerating to depopulate the world and extinguish humanity with faux-pandemics and weaponized vaccines, while they still can, while we’re all still fish in a barrel, before humanity can spread to the winds beyond the earth and…

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Q: Why DO the self-appointed elites defy the will of the people?

If you haven’t lived a Godly life, when you have all the money you can possibly want, the only thing left to seek is power. THAT is why.  The will of the people be damned. The elites all want to sit on the top of the heap deciding who among…

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No Hollywood, True Peace is NOT “Peace through Submission” to predators.

So my friend and I have had to turn off Amazon Prime’s  stinkin’ “The Man from High Castle” midway through the first “season”, because it makes the same fundamental mistake as  Steven Spielberg did in so many of his nasty movies/series. It completely misses the mark on human nature, and…

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Create Wealth Locally.

Eschew Globalist Slave Masters.  Create Wealth Locally. re: “G20: populist politicians threaten global economy” Washington (AFP) – The G20 warned Friday that populist politicians playing up anti-globalization and anti-free trade sentiments were putting the global economy at risk. The article goes on to quote China’s Finance Minister & slave master…

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