Tennessee Ups the Ante on Special Ed Scam

These people are oh so proud of themselves, after all, it’s for the cheeldrun, but I call SCAM!

Tennessee has a New Dyslexia Law!

This “forces” more in-school screening (can’t call it “testing”, that would be a medical term) for the made up diagnosis of “dyslexia”.   You know, like the teacher-assigned label of ADHD for you to drug your child, after all the recesses to run free on the playground have been eliminated from his day.

So this seeks to label more children, in order to get grant money for more special-ed teachers, rather than rejecting the agenda of crippling children’s reading with the Common Core weaponized “whole word” curriculum?

What a SCAM.

This is how its done folks: Withhold the primary tool of reading – “Phonetics” – label the kids who can’t learn reading without it as retarded (or some variation thereof, like “dyslexic”), and then rake in the special-ed grant money to then give them BACK the tool they should have had in the first place.

Same thing they did with math 20 years ago – Withhold the primary tool of 1st grade math – the “Number Line” – label the kids who can’t grasp math without it as retarded (or some variation thereof) – and then rake in the special-ed grant money to then give them back the tool.

Yeah, had a hell of an argument with a special-ed teacher relative when I was homeschooling my 1st grader with a number line. I’m the one with the math degree, and she was outraged when I happened to mention we were working with the number line. “You can’t do that!!”, she screamed. “That’s only for the special-ed kids!”

Took me all of 2 minutes to figure out what her scam was.

Just think of all the short-bus drivers we’ll put out of work if we actually EDUCATE our kids!!




About Suzanne

Reader, Inventor, amateur musician. My interests are ... kinda strange. I hope yours are as strange.

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