Is Andrew the real reason Harry & Meghan were uninvited to the Queen’s wake?

Yuck.  King Charles III is already such a coward. So his son & daughter-in-law, Harry & Meghan, had to learn through the press that they’re “uninvited” to the Queen’s wake, the pre-funeral reception. No names were used in the un-invitation, of course.  It was just that “non-working-royals” were suddenly excluded…

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The Most Excellent Laurence Fox stars in “My Son Hunter”

How many Americans know who Laurence Fox is? He starred for years as the sidekick with more personality than the lead, in the British crime drama “Inspector Lewis“.  He also starred in my mother’s favorite movie, “Gosford Park“.  I can’t tell how many times we watched that 💜.  Politically, he’s…

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Time for “Come And Take It”, Rosary & Bible Editions

The Alphabet Swamp has lost its mind.  It didn’t like being laughed at and ridiculed by the American general public for its latest round of comic book level tyrannical behavior.  So out of sheer spite against us, the FBI has started labeling ordinary American historical symbols as “extremist” and “terroristic”.  …

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Recalling the Obama pay-off backstory on Georgia’s new late and over-budget Nuclear Power Plant

Today brings news and commentary on the new nuclear power plant in Georgia being 6 years late and 250% over-budget.   But of course.  We should have all expected this.  There are plenty of union woykas arguing in the ZeroHedge comment section as to who is more corrupt, the EPA or…

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Stand in Front of the Truckers, Zuckerberg!

Hahaha, so according to the, Mark Zuckerberg is going to compete with Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci for wresting control of your health, life, and death away from you, is he? Stand in front of the truckers, Zuckerberg. All he has to do to reach his goal of eliminating…

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Reality Check: Facebook wasn’t hacked. ICANN was. How to stop it from happening again.

We all watched with interest, horror, and glee, as Facebook went down for approximately 6 hours on Monday, Oct. 4, 2021, all over the world.  Having owned and managed several domains and websites myself, spread over multiple registrars and hosting services, I knew right away that when my browser showed…

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NYTimes still thinks we’re stupid. Publishes CGI of Stephen Paddock.

The NYTimes thought they would get away with it, like we’re all stupid or something, but the word for the day, folks, is CGI, “Computer Generated Imagery”.  The witness statements and videos we’ve all already seen, of the multiple sources of gunfire in the Las Vegas shooting, are conveniently missing….

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@MarketWatch Denigrates Retirees. Wants them dead.

What a filthy judgemental materialistic new concept MarketWatch introduces in this article. Now people “fail” at retirement, do they? Nay, worse. They are “failed retirees”. It’s the new “identity”, so wear that scarlet “R”, people. Bad enough you’ve been laid off. Now you’re deemed worthless, useless, obsolete. The corporate elites…

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@ElonMusk Needs Bodyguards!

Elon Musk needs bodyguards. The published NWO agenda (see here & here) has been accelerating to depopulate the world and extinguish humanity with faux-pandemics and weaponized vaccines, while they still can, while we’re all still fish in a barrel, before humanity can spread to the winds beyond the earth and…

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