How Tom Arnold faked his video

It’d be laughable if it wasn’t so sick. The MSM is drum beating has-been Tom Arnold’s claim (archived) (screenshot) that he has video of Trump saying racist/abusive things. If Tom Arnold has such a video, it’s only because he forged it for his cocktail party friends. Remember JFK in Forest…

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No Hollywood, True Peace is NOT “Peace through Submission” to predators.

So my friend and I have had to turn off Amazon Prime’s  stinkin’ “The Man from High Castle” midway through the first “season”, because it makes the same fundamental mistake as  Steven Spielberg did in so many of his nasty movies/series. It completely misses the mark on human nature, and…

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Hillary’s False Flag Internet Outage, WW III has begun

So the war has started. Please do not believe for a moment that the Internet outages afflicting major cities of the U.S. and parts of Europe today are anyone but Hillary Clinton’s doing, (with help from Obama himself). I promise you, by the evening news tonight, they will both be…

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Evidence Facebook & Google Are Cross-Referencing Your Life With Your Friends

The weirdest thing just happened.   I was scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed, and in the right column under “Trending”, Facebook tried to tell me in this heated election season, that more people were discussing Honda CR-V cars than were discussing talk show host Joy Behar’s nationwide smashmouthing of Bill Clinton’s…

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Hey @Breitbart @HillaryClinton @realDonaldTrump – @BarackObama aka @POTUS HIMSELF was the Original Birther

Re: Hillary Clinton Campaign Manager Admits 2008 Birther Link – Breitbart News, Sep 16, 2016 Hey, for what it’s worth, Breitbart itself broke that BARACK OBAMA was the original Birther, having claimed to have been “born in Kenya” in order to sell his books. The Vetting – Exclusive – Obama’s…

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