Arizona Turns Its Universities into Fascist Factories

University Pays Students To Spy On Peers For ‘Bias Incidents’ – Daily Caller, 05/10/2017 Apparently, the University of Arizona couldn’t gin up enough profitable false accusations of rapes against males on campus (the last actual case being 2 years ago), so now they are turning to false accusations of ……

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MSM articles failed at normalizing pedophilia, so it tries hiring comment trolls to do it. #pedogate

Re: Father of Tennessee teen: She ‘may not be exactly’ the person she was prior to alleged abduction So this dad says he wants his newly returned abducted daughter to be the “same person she was” before the kidnapping, and the first thing she asks for to return to normality…

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University of Arizona @UofA makes laughing stock of itself with new speech code, “oops/ouch” infantalizing hypermanagement of student speech

I’m sooooo ashamed of my alma mater, the University of Arizona, making such a laughing stock of itself imposing a new infantile speech code that even the Canadians are laughing, when Canada’s own parliament has just passed a “motion” implementing Islamic Sharia anti-“blasphemy” speech code laws nation wide. This new…

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@SeanHannity & @TheJuanWilliams, Did @FoxNews itself plant that fake gun pointing story with @CNN?

Re: Very Fake News: Juan Williams Slams CNN Report Claiming Sean Hannity ‘Pulled Gun’ on Him After ‘Argument’ Afterall, CNN’s pretty cocky with its claim of having three, count’em 3, FoxNews insider sources! Hannity is one of the very few talking heads left at FoxNews with any integrity.  FoxNews certainly…

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Q: Why DO the self-appointed elites defy the will of the people?

If you haven’t lived a Godly life, when you have all the money you can possibly want, the only thing left to seek is power. THAT is why.  The will of the people be damned. The elites all want to sit on the top of the heap deciding who among…

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The Pope’s Superbowl Insult to Americans! Speaks language we don’t know!

Oh, yeah, Papa Francis? Whatever you said to us American’s, I don’t know, because at least 75% of Americans, including myself, DON’T SPEAK SPANISH. What an insult you’ve dished us. What continuous insults you keep dishing Americans and American Christians, including us American Catholics. When you came to visit the…

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What’s Left of the Left? An open letter to H.A. Goodman.

Hi H. A., I like your channel because you are right to be asking the left to articulate policy positions rather than just spend all their time Trump bashing. But the only problem is, the left doesn’t have any policy positions but ONE. Rush Limbaugh stated it clearly. To the…

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