Bishop Cancels Santa Claus, Breaks Children’s Hearts

     After the Pope’s ugly-supremacist Nativity Scene from Hell last year, what more can we expect from these childless old clergymen this year? Bah! Humbug! Bishop tells children Santa doesn’t exist Roman Catholic diocese in Sicily publicly apologizes to outraged parents (archived, screenshot)      What kind of a Father does…

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WHAT? A WordPress Agenda for a “Digital Climate Strike”?? Oh, Hayell no!

From the blog –  Join us in a Digital Climate Strike, by Jack Lennox 09/12/2019 This September, millions will take to the streets to demand an end to the age of fossil fuels. Show your solidarity by displaying a digital climate strike banner for the month. First off, I…

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Trump reverses predatory light bulb agenda

Re: Trump Administration Reverses Standards For Energy-Efficient Lightbulbs – NPR 09/04/2019 (archived here) In a bizarre twist, NPR condemns President Trump for reversing regulations banning incandescent light bulbs, and issues a ridiculous panic article that the general public is going to somehow flock back to them, or that the light…

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Gilroy shooting. Watch for the patterns. Watch for the Agenda.

Many many prayers for the victims and families.  This is outrageous. You watch this unfold. Just like all the other incidents going back to Columbine, it will come out that this shooter was on some kind of mind-altering prescription med. The package inserts for 100% of anti-depressants (downloadable from the…

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Agenda for the Degradation of Humanity – Escalating expectation of table manners to “mental illness”

Somebody sent me these pieces of garbage: Misophonia Test- Do you have Misophonia? The crunch of an apple makes me want to run away By Lucy Wallis BBC World Service   (For those who missed it, “misophonia” is the new mental illness designation for people who merely object to lack…

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Response to @BillBonnerDiary’s Farcical “How Trump Turns on The Fed”

Following a link through, I found this ridiculous & useless farce of an article, by someone who is supposed to know better.  Someone who peddles himself as some kind of financial expert, but who instead intentionally keeps you in the dark.  All he does is predict a useless “tweet…

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Kindly ol’ gent, Dick Morris @DickMorrisTweets spectacularly wrong again, and again where it really counts.

I had to confront him once before, when he somehow thought Obama wasn’t malicious enough to bother running again in 2012, and now, at another major turning point in history, Mr. Morris misses the big story  again. Kennedy Retirement Could Pose BIG Problems For GOP! Dick Morris TV: Lunch ALERT!…

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