Ever meet a mean vegan? You know you have.

So Jake Mace, an organic gardener with  over 100k followers on YouTube alone, let alone other platforms, asks ‘Why do people hate me?’ Really? Jake, since you asked at timestamp 38:57 “I don’t understand to this day why anybody would hate me!” I will tell you my perception. I never…

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GDPR? What GDPR? I don’t speak GDPR.

Now appearing (fraudulently) in WordPress Dashboards all over the world: From the above article is the pertinent quote: “If your website has visitors from European Union countries, then this law applies to you.” Correction, “If your website has visitors from European Union countries, then this law applies to THEM.” The…

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Silly Papacy Occupier Francis, Heaven can’t exist without Hell, because they are the same place.

This papacy occupier is such an immature thinker, because this is so easy to reconcile.  Heaven and Hell are actually the same place — that place where no lies are possible, only truth. Those who love Truth will be happy for forever. Those who hate Truth and love lies will…

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NYTimes still thinks we’re stupid. Publishes CGI of Stephen Paddock.

The NYTimes thought they would get away with it, like we’re all stupid or something, but the word for the day, folks, is CGI, “Computer Generated Imagery”.  The witness statements and videos we’ve all already seen, of the multiple sources of gunfire in the Las Vegas shooting, are conveniently missing….

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@MarketWatch Denigrates Retirees. Wants them dead.

What a filthy judgemental materialistic new concept MarketWatch introduces in this article. Now people “fail” at retirement, do they? Nay, worse. They are “failed retirees”. It’s the new “identity”, so wear that scarlet “R”, people. Bad enough you’ve been laid off. Now you’re deemed worthless, useless, obsolete. The corporate elites…

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@ElonMusk Needs Bodyguards!

Elon Musk needs bodyguards. The published NWO agenda (see here & here) has been accelerating to depopulate the world and extinguish humanity with faux-pandemics and weaponized vaccines, while they still can, while we’re all still fish in a barrel, before humanity can spread to the winds beyond the earth and…

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Crypto Guru Review, by a Mom

To My Dear (grown) Children, As of this writing, Bitcoin is back up enough that the money I’m sending 0.06739776 BTC = $1,021.64   is enough to initiate an interest bearing “loan” to the Bitconnect trading bot. You might not choose a lending program.  There are mining pools you can…

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Why is popular “Collective-Evolution” blog pushing brutal Buddhism?

What is Collective-Evolution’s agenda in pushing this brutal Buddhist world view?  Their article boils down to ‘Be Oblivious. Let Predators in. Then Blame the Victim.’ No.  Life is bigger than that. 1) Worry is motivation to solve a problem.  If you don’t care enough to solve it, it won’t get solved,…

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Of course! – NFL players are pissing on their own fans – and now on each other – due to CTE Brain Damage!

So now the Oakland Raiders have actually thrown a game to “get even” on their lead quarter back for refusing to piss on the U.S. flag & anthem! I’m not sure who people’s favorite news sources are, so I just put it in a search engine and found there is…

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How the Banksters think they’re gonna crash the Stock Market, the U.S. dollar, and Bitcoin all at the same time

Dear Mr. Crudele, You are not asking the right question in today’s NY Post.  Of course Wall Street and the feds (you mean The Fed, who are not “the feds” at all, but a private corporation set up to serve the banks) can prevent another market plunge.   The real question…

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