Climate-Ignorance Pride in Europe

American-born German ridicules her former countrymen You asked for feedback, here it is. I live in a suburb of Phoenix, Arizona USA. We Arizonans are intelligent enough to know that heat comes from the SUN. I am extremely angry. You made a baaaaaad political mistake insulting your own viewers by…

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So let the world be mad. Trump, Tesla, & the Ancient Pyramids

To my dear German friends,  (and if I had French friends, I would ‘dear’ them, too), I suppose you’ve seen how many people all over the world are really angry at President Trump over this exit from the Paris Accord thing, but I hope you’re not. The collective sigh of relief,…

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Arizona Turns Its Universities into Fascist Factories

University Pays Students To Spy On Peers For ‘Bias Incidents’ – Daily Caller, 05/10/2017 Apparently, the University of Arizona couldn’t gin up enough profitable false accusations of rapes against males on campus (the last actual case being 2 years ago), so now they are turning to false accusations of ……

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@ScottMGreer, Trump Keeping Campaign Promise to Destroy ISIS in Syria

The Daily Caller has published an opinion piece that is extremely misguided: “Trump Betrays ‘America First’ Message With Syrian Strike”, by Deputy Editor Scott Greer Scott Greer, according to the Daily Caller itself – Assad says the chemical weapons used on his people last week were not his. If we…

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University of Arizona @UofA makes laughing stock of itself with new speech code, “oops/ouch” infantalizing hypermanagement of student speech

I’m sooooo ashamed of my alma mater, the University of Arizona, making such a laughing stock of itself imposing a new infantile speech code that even the Canadians are laughing, when Canada’s own parliament has just passed a “motion” implementing Islamic Sharia anti-“blasphemy” speech code laws nation wide. This new…

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@SeanHannity & @TheJuanWilliams, Did @FoxNews itself plant that fake gun pointing story with @CNN?

Re: Very Fake News: Juan Williams Slams CNN Report Claiming Sean Hannity ‘Pulled Gun’ on Him After ‘Argument’ Afterall, CNN’s pretty cocky with its claim of having three, count’em 3, FoxNews insider sources! Hannity is one of the very few talking heads left at FoxNews with any integrity.  FoxNews certainly…

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@CBSMiami & writer Jim @DeFede become accessories after the fact in murder attempt on @RogerJStoneJr

In an article today full of open lies and innuendo, CBS Miami and writer Jim DeFede attempt to cast doubt that a major crime, attempted murder, even occurred, and have published known falsehoods as to the possible motive for that same (we are to believe ‘non-existent’) crime. Trump Advisor Claims…

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